South Indian Super Star Rajini Kanth Opposed to Bollywood Super Star Amitab Bachhan. Indian Cinema and Cine fans keen to watch Rajini Kanth and Amitabh Bachchan on Screen Sharing. Even every one is waiting for the occasion.
Coming to the point Super Star Rajini Kanth's Block buster movie 'Enthiran'(Tamil), Robo(Telugu), Robot(Hindi). Director Shankar want to share a on screen space with Amitabh Bachchan along with Rajini Kanth. Shankar approached Amitabh Bachchan for a Keyrole in the Movie. When Shankar explained about the role to Amitabh fall in dilemma to do the role. When Shankar expressed his openion about the role with Rajinikanth. Rajini says no to Amitabh.
There was reason behind opposing Amitabh for the role that Amitabh Bachchan is Indian Super Star so people may not digest if Amitabh Bachchan's role. So Rajini simply rejected and stopped Shankar.
Actually it's Negative role of Professor BORA so the role was replaced by Danny Desouja who played as Prof.BORA a Negative Shade role which turns the Movie.
Now Rajini and Shankar Combo doing ROBO-2 Shankar again want to make a presence of Amitabh in a Villain role but Rjini reminds that it wouldn't be a good idea that Preseting Amitabh Bachchan as a Villain. Now Akahy Kumar doing the Villain role on the Movie.
Ram Gopal Varma who is a daring director presented Amitabh Bachchan as a villain in 'AAG' Movie. But Indian Movie lovers keen to see their dream Super Stars together on Screen in a movie. so Let's hope it our wish may come true soon.
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